Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Amber said...
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We do because we Mexi-Can! said...

What a great family picture! So glad you found my blog. And we definately need to hang out. What is your email address so I can send you an invite for my blog?

We do because we Mexi-Can! said...

By the way, if you can't get onto my blog to leave me your email, mine is kim.mexican@gmail.com. OH, and I would love to get Ava into dance, where is the studio where you work?

Lindsey said...

Michelle, I found your blog from Kim's, I have been looking for you and wishing you would get a blog! Your boys are adorable, I can't believe how big they are!!! Now keep posting so I can keep up with you better! Check us out a www.jakeandlindsey.blogspot.com

Ward's said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so glad you got the blog up and running. The boys are so adorable. OK...Zane is totally you. You have such a beautiful family. I love and miss you so much!